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Pentru o sedere mai placuta…

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…pe, sau, cum s-ar zice pe engleza, „for a better user experience” ( cu tot regretul si oricat mi-as bate capul, unele expresii cu sens foarte clar in engleza tare greu se lasa traduse in limba noastra). Adica, pentru ca voi sa va simtiti mai bine, pentru ca navigarea sa fie mai usoara, mai la indemana cititorului si mai ales, pentru ca sederea pe acest blog culinar sa va fie cat mai agreabila, am creat pentru voi o noua bara de navigare. Ea devine vizibila atunci cand dati scroll pentru a derula pagina si contine – deocamdata – elementele meniului: ”acasa”, ”retete”, ”contact” si casuta de cautare.

Mie mi se pare foarte util acest nou element, imi place accesibilitatea la retete din orice pozitie as fi, din orice pagina as deschide. Bineinteles, bara de navigare este perfectibila, planul meu este sa mai adaug unele elemente care sa imbunatateasca inca si mai mult experienta de navigare/cautare in site.

Si pentru ca in primul rand acest nou obiect va este destinat voua, cititorilor, am initiat un sondaj pe Facebook

Instagram @lauralaurentiu

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3 comentarii la Pentru o sedere mai placuta…

  1. Cristina L spune:

    Congratulations on your new weekly videos, Laura. What an amazing job you are doing! I truly enjoy watching each and every one… They are simply perfect.
    As far as the new format of your blog, from a reader’s perspective, it is always preferred to be able to see recipes sorted by categories as opposed to scrolling through pages at the bottom. Being able to see sorted recipes at a glance would help us locate the type of recipe we need, in the shortest time possible. Of course, this is only my opinion …
    Overall, great blog, excellent recipes and amazing photos.  I also appreciate your efforst into providing measurements that work for Europe, as well as for N. America. (i.e. gr. or ml. as well as dimentions of pans/trays used). 
    Thank you for all your hard work.

    • lauralaurentiu spune:

       Cristina, I thank you very much for all the appreciations. I am really
      glad that you like my short weekend series. I hope you’ll be liking the
      next episodes too.

      This is exactly why i created this navbar – pointing the mouse on the word „retete” from it, reveals automatically the
      nine recipe categories on my blog. The categories can be found on the
      right column  as well. A continuos list of all the recipes is impossible
      to provide given the fact that are 500 and keep counting… that’s why
      we try to provide other ways to classify and to search, therefore our
      users will find more easily what they are looking for.

      Thank you for your converting measures suggestion… This is something i will definitely take care in the future.

      • Cristina L. spune:

        It must be my browser as I cannot see anything when I point to „Recipes”, howevere, all OK… I can find the categories on the right hand side and this is great.
        You have such a talent & passion for cooking, Laura. Your blog & videos are pure delight and totally captivating as far as I am concerned. Absolutely beautiful…